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Leading and Living Intuitively with Mariah Swanson Episode 12

Leading and Living Intuitively with Mariah Swanson

· 01:08:59

In this episode, True Footage's Director of Strategic Planning Mariah Swanson and I discuss how intuition has shaped the way she leads professionally as well as how she lives her life. We discuss knowing when it's the right time to make a change, trusting your gut, humble leaders she admires, and how to step into leadership regardless of your title or role.
I always leave conversations with Mariah feeling better than when I started, and I am so excited to share this positive and heartfelt conversation with you all.

Additional Notes and links:
The Four Agreements
The Negativity Bias and why we are often hardwired to focus on the negative.
More on TikTok's "Burnt Toast Theory"
Bonus! Check out Lady Bird Talent, where Mariah recently joined as a board member. 


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